Playlist Roulette ~ Cry [MBLAQ]

I am going to need a moment. Maybe even several. I do not believe in coincidences; therefore, I am not going to say that it is coincidental that over the past week I have been musing over the fact that in addition to exploring newer groups as of late, many of those newer groups have READ MORE

The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 723

It has been a long time since I have shared any kind of fan cam of a press-oriented nature. So why not today, this second-to-last Fan-Camming Friday of the countdown? From the 2012 Asia Model Festival Awards, G.O and his MBLAQ brothers spent some time at the photo wall being captured in all of their handsome glory. READ MORE

The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 716

When isn’t Y a sexy feast to behold? Most always never. It has always been one of MBLAQ’s most provocative songs with an equally intense performance when brought to the stage. So when MBLAQ decided to include it in their performance repertoire at the 4 June 2013 Sexy Beat showcase, I think it pretty much left fans READ MORE

The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 712

Many fans who have been with MBLAQ since debut certainly remember the mini documentary Making The Artist that began airing on GOMTV back on 26 May 2010. As much as I love MBLAQ in full on variety, I also enjoy a more behind the scenes type program that follows their day-to-day activities and in the case READ MORE

The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 711

I have spent this entire series sharing my thoughts about G.O – how I see him and how he makes me feel. From his intelligence and wit, graciousness and warmth, to his undeniable talent, I have tried to touch on it all without being overly redundant. However, I feel a redundant moment brewing for today. READ MORE

The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 703

Okay, I am not going to lie. I admit to being somewhat concerned about what I was going to do when I reached the letter X in The ABC’s of G.O sub-series here on the countdown. The letter X is not the friendliest of letters when trying to find adjectives in general let alone one adequate to describe our READ MORE

The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 643

There are literally dozens of words beginning with the letter R that could describe, suit and complement G.O for this installment of The ABC’s of G.O. The first that comes to mind is romantic. I have no reference to confirm he is, but G.O has intimated things in past interviews that would suggest he is a bit of READ MORE

The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 638

We have all felt the surge of excitement when starting something for the first time. A new job. A new relationship. And I suspect for fledgling idols in the making, the same holds true when they debut. I am sure it takes some adjusting. But, approaching everything with gratitude and humor helps. Lately, I have READ MORE

The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 621

Seriously, I think I could spend the remainder of this countdown series alternating between G.O updates and Vocal Virtuosity moments. That is, if by some chance G.O decides to say, update every other day. That would be convenient.^^ Frankly, I do not put anything past him these days. He could very well decide to ramp things up READ MORE

The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 615

Wouldn’t you love it if you turned on your television one evening to watch the news and saw G.O and Seung Ho sitting at the news anchor desk? I may for once watch the news if that were the case. Today I felt like a Playful G.O moment and thought his repartee with Seungho at the READ MORE