Waiting For Donghun ~ Day 1

Woah. Well, I guess this is serious. I never thought I would attempt another countdown series here on the blog after that 730 day blogging journey I took when my beloved G.O went off to complete his military duty back in 2016. When I hit the publish button back on February 16, 2018 and posted READ MORE

The Fangirl Adventure Log Retires

Hello everyone! It has been a month now since my beloved G.O was discharged from his mandatory military service.  Some of you may be wondering why I have abruptly stopped writing about him since his discharge. I can assure you that it has nothing to do with a break in my love or support. It READ MORE

The End Is Only The Beginning ~ Welcome Back, G.O!

And with a huge sigh and jubilant smile I can finally say . . . G.O has successfully completed his military service!!  This end however signifies a greater beginning. In less than one week’s time we will get what many of us have longed for since he enlisted (and perhaps even before that): a new READ MORE

The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 730

Happy New Year!! 새해 복 많이 받으세요!! And, Happy Last Day of G.O’s Military Service!!! We made it. We really truly made it! True, G.O did make it bearable by staying in touch throughout the two long years he has been away, but I remember how forlorn we all were that first day ~ it seems READ MORE

The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 723

It has been a long time since I have shared any kind of fan cam of a press-oriented nature. So why not today, this second-to-last Fan-Camming Friday of the countdown? From the 2012 Asia Model Festival Awards, G.O and his MBLAQ brothers spent some time at the photo wall being captured in all of their handsome glory. READ MORE

The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 721

Can it be? Have we finally reached the final ten days of G.O’s service?! Indeed we have and because I am in a really good mood as a result, I thought we could go back to a little bit of the fun and games had during Episode 15 of Oh! My School/100 points out of 100. READ MORE

The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 720

I would often tell friends who were going through some difficult times that without the bitter in life, we would not be able to recognize the sweet. That hard times are usually not permanent and that without them, we probably would never appreciate the good ones. Life is an amazing rollercoaster. And, all that is READ MORE

The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 719

After today (and I cannot believe I am actually saying this), there will be one final G.O One Shot on this countdown. But before I get too sentimental, I want to share some stage swagger from the Inkigayo special stage performance back on 4 September 2011. I will to do it in .gif form as it is One READ MORE

The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 717

It is Saturday and the 3rd day of February. That means two things: G.O is discharged in exactly two weeks and it is time for a G.O Dance Break. I started thinking about when G.O and Mir went to Perú for the Koica Dream project and I remembered there was cam out there of the wild pair dancing READ MORE

The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 715

Before I gave way to using this sub-category solely to share G.O’s many recent selca updates, I was simply sharing various selcas he had given fans over the years. Recently I mentioned that I decided not to worry so much about his real time updates but to continue in the nostalgic vein this countdown series READ MORE