The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 238


Is it my imagination or when MBLAQ debuted, G.O was given quite a few opportunities to showcase his incredible vocals by way of often covering songs during live radio broadcasts. And I mean, immediately after debut, too. Of the many things I appreciate about G.O, one is definitely his love and respect for early R&B, specifically that of Stevie Wonder. It has been a while since my last Retro Room post so I thought it would be nice to travel back to November 2009 and sink into G.O’s tender cover of All in Love is Fair.

The smooth deep resonance of G.O’s voice in this cover comforts and soothes. I also find it very seductive. When G.O sings on the lower end of his expansive range, his voice hits all of the most sensitive meridian points of my heart.

But all is changed with time
The future no one can see
The road you leave behind . . .

These are the kinds of lyrics I would think speak and resonate deeply with G.O. And, resonate as much now as they may have the first time he sang them.

I would hope this beautiful yet solemn ballad would be included in the imaginary English covers CD that I envision G.O recording some day. Stevie Wonder wrote the kind of music that is and remains as relevant today as it did when it was first recorded. This is also a theme G.O perhaps considers when disseminating which songs he chooses to cover and sing.

Meaning and relevance. Two attributes in the covers G.O seems to consistently choose in a song. I think this holds true to just about any song he chooses (and has chosen) to cover. Consistency. Yet another characteristic I do so very much adore about this amazing and talented young man.


[Image cr. as tagged; Video cr. makattunyarajin]

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