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The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 699

When I first discovered G.O, it was indeed his voice that held the spotlight initially. This is true. But as I began to learn more about him, the more intriguing and captivating he became. I have talked about many of his endearing and fine characteristics throughout this countdown series, often times repeating them incessantly. I cannot help it. The man has captivated me in a way that compels me to continue to discover more about him and share why he is so very special. One of the many endearing qualities he possesses is his humor. G.O has been sharing his unique wit with his fans since the beginning and he continues to do so in his own special way through today. I thought the perfect way to celebrate the next letter up in The ABC’s of G.O was to do so by enjoying a little taste of G.O’s charming humor.

W is for Witty

With so many examples of G.O’s humor floating about it is difficult to choose just one but because I want to keep these posts from turning into mini novels, I have decided to focus on one today. At first, my mind went directly to MBLAQ’s SNL Korea episode. From the comedy sketches to the digital short films, there were so many moments showcasing G.O’s inherent humor and comedic timing that it would have been a reasonable choice. But then I remembered that I had already covered that here on the Countdown. Yes, way back on Day 11 when there were 720 days remaining in his service! Wow, seems so long ago now. We have been able to experience hours upon hours of G.O’s delightful humor during on stage live concert performances, radio broadcasts and of course, variety programs. How then to choose? And then it came to me. I wanted to re-watch G.O challenge Rain during the 11 May 2011 episode of the SBS network show, 강심장 [Strong Heart].

Taking on the mighty Rain with great candor and humor, you may recall G.O telling a couple of stories regarding mentor Rain’s lapsing memory.

G.O’s animated storytelling is a testament to his gregarious wit and irresistible charm. Oh, and I do think he proved he could sing 똑같아 [Same] equally as well . . . maybe even better. ^^ Yes, G.O’s voice and magnanimous talent may have been what initially drew me in; but his sharp intelligence, kind heart and yes, indelible wit locked me in to stay. And . . . I do mean stay.


[Image cr. as tagged; video cr. superzvicki]


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