The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 637

Any fan who has had the opportunity to meet his or her bias in person all walk away with amazing and adventurous stories to tell to be sure. Those moments become committed and embedded to memory, probably for a lifetime. And yes, those moments are often relived over and over. It is natural and understandable. I would have to guess that over the course of his ten plus years of fan appreciation, G.O has left many hearts marked with memories of his sweet and gracious fan service. I recently came across an early fan account and thought it would serve as a wonderful example of G.O’s Fabled Fan Service.

I have had so many guides assist me on this countdown journey but I do admit to doing a fair amount of searching and researching on my own in my attempts to bring a variety of G.O goodness here while we wait out his military service. I am always thrilled to find something I have not seen or read and while some of you roll your eyes (and you know you do!) at my excitement, I know there are a fair share among you who revel in the re-visit. So today I travel back to an early MBLAQ fan account from the Kyung Joo World Mini Concert in January 2010.

I cannot imagine how exciting it must have been in those early days for fans getting to meet and see MBLAQ up close, interacting with them, enjoying the energy of the very beginning of the journey. As is clear from this fan account, G.O has been from the very start dedicated to honoring and sharing his love, appreciation and humor with his fans.

So, according to fan “인호”, she did not know why the girl in the picture above got to hug G.O, she only knew that she wanted one too and apparently yelled out, “HUG ME TOO.” From what I can glean from the account, G.O went to her and hugged her. Just answered the request. Just like that. 인호 said that G.O hugged her so tight that she let out a sound which made him smile. That’s my kind of hug, for sure! She also mentioned that during the hug, she was able to feel G.O’s heartbeat.


Indeed, with the sweet came some humor. As MBLAQ departed, 인호 said that once in the car, G.O rolled down the window and said to her of her pictures, ‘Please photoshop [the pictures] before posting.’ <hehe>

What G.O fails to realize (and yes, we are our own worst critics) is that he is adorably cute, sexy and handsome in and of himself, with or without Photoshop, filters or editing. And, that is the truth.


[Image cr. as tagged;Fan Account Source: absolutemblaq]



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