The Soulful Countdown to G.O’s Discharge ~ Day 234

It seems abundantly clear to me that G.O indeed got the memo to bring every ounce of beautiful with him to perform at the 17 January 2012 MBC Beautiful Concert. In fact, it is almost too much beautiful to endure. It is Day 234 of G.O’s service and it seems as good a time as any to bring a beautiful pictures and fan-camming moment to the blog. Come…let’s immerse.

Lost in the music . . . my favorite. I really do enjoy watching this man take a journey through the highways and byways of a song. The bulk of these pictures were captured while MBLAQ performed g.o.d.’s 거짓말 [Lies] which was breathtaking.

The fan-camming moment is compliments of letsgoinho wherein she captured the intensely aggressive 전쟁이야 [This Is War] as seen through G.O’s committed performance in showcasing the song’s raw power and emotion. I know. I know. I have been giving much attention to this song as of late. I admit to be being somewhat obsessed. There are so many elements of the song and performance that capture my attention, specifically G.O’s incredible vocals, Mir’s powerful rap, and the visually effective choreography. Letsgoinho’s focused cam of G.O during the performance of 전쟁이야 [This Is War] at MBC’s Beautiful Concert in January 2012 captures his fluidity in both voice and movement. And all while in that spectacular red and black suit.


I promise to branch out more with fan-camming moments and look to other performances where our dedicated G.Orgeous pointed their cams lovingly on G.O. For today, I just have to continue to be at war with my emotions over letting go of this focused attention on  that brilliant song and G.O’s consistently intense performance of it time and again.



Oh my!!~♥







[Image cr. as tagged; Video cr. letsgoinho]

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